Miss International Film Festival Cannes 2018

Miss Film Festival International de Cannes 2018 Rafinity Haute couture
The second edition of Miss International Film Festival took place at Cannes in May 2018, celebrating the realizations of inspiring women, during the international festival of Cannes. Rafinity and Rafinity haute couture were among the official sponsors of the event. During the competition final show, the candidates wore

Rafinity Haute Couture at the London Fashion Week

Rafinity Haute Couture à La London Fashion Week
After the big success of its first traditional Haute Couture collection unveiled in March 2017 in Morocco, Rafinity selected the United Kingdom, to present its latest Haute Couture creations at the London Fashion Week. “We had part of this big fashion date to launch our new line of

Launching Of The First Collection Of Rafinity Haute Couture

Lancement de la première collection Rafinity Haute couture
The fashion house Rafinity opted for the women’s day to reveal its first collection of the traditional Haute Couture, made and realized by the sisters El Hajouji. Classy and elegant, the new collection is juggling with an art mixing tradition and modernity. Each piece is a wonderful craft